Category Archives: Paintings

Painting with Animals

Forgive me for misleading you. This is not a how-to on the techniques of painting animals. Rather, it is a how-to on painting with animals in your studio.

Trying to Drink the Brush Water

Cats love discovering water that is anywhere but their water bowl — hoses, toilet bowls, puddles. I used to keep two jars of water when I painted with acrylics. One was my “dirty water” jar, being the first one I dipped my brush into for cleaning. And the other was my “clean water” jar that I use to wet my brush or clean it a step further. I don’t know exactly how much acrylic paint it takes to necessitate a trip to the Vet E.R., but who needs to find out.


So now I use two jars and a glass of water when I paint.

My own water      Bedside water

A short glass with a wide opening works best. I even keep one on the nightstand now, or I run the risk of drinking water in the middle of the night right after my cat has been into it.

The space under my table easel has become a playground. This can go one of two ways: 1) The cat catches your brush or arm and you paint something unrecognizable on your canvas or 2) The cat catches your hand or arm and you need stitches.

Surprise!       Surprise again!

If you really want to get any work done, there is only one thing left to do.

Got a New Friend

Get your cat a cat of his own.

Next week, we’ll attempt laundry.

Chakko in a Basket